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Graziano Ciccarelli
1 febTempo di lettura: 2 min
HONEY BOMBS: New Drummer and First Single Announcement
HoneyBombs, one of the most promising bands in the Italian metal/rock scene, are ready to surprise again! Today we are excited to...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
13 giu 2024Tempo di lettura: 2 min
D.O.O.D. ready to publish their new amazing single!
The Distinguished Order of Disobedience (The D.O.O.D.) Takes the Metal Scene by Storm –The Distinguished Order of Disobedience (The...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
27 feb 2024Tempo di lettura: 2 min
SONG OF THE DAY: CAELESTIA (Article in Italian)
La nuova canzone dei Caelestia è ora disponibile ora su tutte le piattaforme! I Caelestia hanno appena rivelato il loro brano intitolato...
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Redazione Impatto Rock
23 set 2023Tempo di lettura: 2 min
No Sun Rises - Harmisod
Direttamente da Münster arriva questo simpatico quintetto dedito ad un black metal atmosferico, rarefatto ai limiti del post, che pure si...
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Redazione Impatto Rock
26 lug 2023Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Sarmat - Determined to Strike
Dopo l'ottimo Dubious Disk e il suo jazz-metal estremo in salsa nintendocore, i Sarmat tirano fuori il loro primo full length Determined...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
23 lug 2023Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Re:Silence - An interview with an amazing band from Germany!
Our Questions: 1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
28 giu 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Intervista con Split Image - In Inglese
Answered by Josh Escobar 1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
10 mag 2023Tempo di lettura: 6 min
New interview with the us based metalcore project SLATZ
1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
24 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Interview with the band Lenax from USA
Here's our interview with LENAX from US! 1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
24 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Una nuova bellissima scoperta: LENAX from USA
I Lenax, band black metal di Nashville, hanno annunciato l'uscita del loro singolo di debutto, "Of Greater Forces". Il brano è ora...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
21 feb 2023Tempo di lettura: 1 min
FRONTIÈRES annuncia il suo album di debutto 'LA TRILOGIE'
FRONTIÈRES annuncia il suo album di debutto 'LA TRILOGIE' 20/02/23 - Quebec City - La band metalcore FRONTIÈRES con sede a Quebec è...
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Redazione Impatto Rock
29 gen 2023Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Chaos Over Cosmos - A Dream If Ever There Was One
Rafał Bowman, membro fisso dei Chaos Over Cosmos, continua con la sua esplorazione dello spazio sulle note e l'attitudine del citato...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
11 dic 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Interview with Otherwise Dead
1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the...
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Redazione Impatto Rock
1 nov 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Marlugubre - Maladie
Marlugubre è il progetto del tarantino Tiziano Colella e Maladie la sua ultima uscita: 72 minuti di musica ragionata su cui si può...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
19 ott 2022Tempo di lettura: 3 min
A fun talk with SLOPPY JOE'S hard rockers from Germany, ready to spread their new music!
1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the...
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Redazione Impatto Rock
26 set 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Trhä - Vat gëlénva!!!
Damián Antón Ojeda è un nome che può far scattare qualche campanello per chi bazzica la scena indipendente del black metal sperimentale...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
11 set 2022Tempo di lettura: 5 min
Interview with Necessary Evil
1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
15 ago 2022Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Interview with Faraz Anwar
We are proud to have on Impatto Rock Webzine the best pro rock guitarist of Pakistan: Faraz Anwar! Please read the interview and follow...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
5 ago 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Interview with Ego Planet
Chris Baker Guitarist of Ego Planet 1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
1 ago 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
New Single by the pakistan prog rock mastermind Faraz Anwar
New Single by the pakistan prog rock mastermind Faraz Anwar The new single by the artist Faraz Anwar The single One Of Them by Pakistani...
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