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Interview with Necessary Evil

Graziano Ciccarelli

1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the underground world?

If we do not take into account the process of working on the first release, then the beginning of the journey can be considered the spring of 2021, when we released our first EP album and an animated video for one of our compositions. At that time, we managed to record only live instruments, did not use synthesizers, and the genre style was close to heavy hard rock\heavy metal, with the exception of the composition Lycanthropy, written in the melodic black metal genre. After we made a cover to Motionless in White - Rats in the fall of 2021 and shot a video for it, then we decided to change the name of the project from Violet Sky to Necessary Evil.

First of all, we wanted to show changes in our musical style and sound. Now, having released our first full-length album and shot a video for the song Last Party, we already have our own unique style, which is expressed in a combination of heavy and electronic music, in the use of a variety of female vocals, as well as in solo guitar parts, which are almost never found in similar genres.

2. What genres and bands is the group influenced by?

I think that the style of our project was primarily influenced by Motionless in White. It was this band that I heard some inclusion of electronic music among heavy guitar riffs, and I really liked the way it sounds. Solo guitar in my understanding should tell a story without words, create and convey to the listener the appropriate images and atmosphere. In this regard, I have my own vision, but I think that such projects as Shadow of Intent and Avenged Sevenfold could help me form it, I like their vision of music and choice of notes. I also like to listen to electronic music, so I do not exclude the influence of such projects as Centhron and FGFC820.

3. I know it might not be easy to do, but could you comment on your latest work?

From the author’s point of view I can say that the last track composed for our full-length album is Cyberpsychosis. It's a very complex and fundamental work that has it all: heavy guitar riffs, a solo part, a catchy chorus, dance tunes on the verses and even a breakdown at the very end. I combined the sound of 4 different synthesizers with each other to get the original sound that I needed to create an atmosphere in the chorus of the composition . The composition is inspired by the Cyberpunk game, and I think that I managed to create motifs that could fit the theme of the game. I am very proud of my compositions and the fact that I can write them alone.I often listen to my tracks.

4.The underground metal scene is undoubtedly inflated by many groups, so (often) it is necessary to present compositions that stand out in the chaos of the various musical scenes. Do you think your songs have something more to say or different from what has already been said in the crowded metal world?

Of course. Just listen to our album and try to name the bands that would have something similar. I think you ‘ll face a dilemma.

And so I think that there can be a huge number of topics for songs, and a truly creative person can always turn on his imagination and start creating. I never had a period of creative crisis, I did not seek to copy or imitate anyone.

5.What do you think of the national underground scene?

It's good that it exists. People have completely different musical preferences, the underground scene gives them what they want. Some musicians of such a scene do not strive for world fame, and some narrowly focused genres simply do not imply it. And that's okay. We have repeatedly visited the performances of underground bands.

6. The career of a musical group (however short it may be) is always studded with more or less positive events. What would you like to erase and what will you always remember from your group experience, from the very beginning until now?

The most positive moments are working on musical material, composing songs, and, of course, the pleasure of listening to or viewing the finished result. We just do what we truly love.

Speaking about the negative points, we can only say that we had to deal with people whose approach to their work was irresponsible and unscrupulous. This mainly concerned issues related to promotion.

7. How do you judge the Internet vehicle for promoting the music scene?

In general, very positive. A modern musician should have the opportunity to express himself, the opportunity to communicate with the audience, the opportunity to share news and his new works. The Internet in this case is a high-speed tool. Now the musician does not have to go somewhere and negotiate with someone to be heard, and this is good. I can only add that some options for paid promotion do not always bring the result that I would like to count on. Still, promoting a product or service is easier than promoting music, in my opinion.

8.Since we are talking about it .... how many original CDs do you buy each month? And how many do you listen to?

Nowadays we listen to music in digital form,like the vast majority of people,. Wherever we go, music on the road will always accompany us through the phone player. However, we have CDs from different bands. Most often, we bought them during the concerts we attended to support the musicians.

9.What does your group want to do when they grow up?

The same as now. We will write new albums, shoot new videos, give concerts in different countries. We do what we love and set no boundaries for ourselves. Our goal is to make our music heard by the whole world!

10.Okay, guys! The space at our disposal is about to run out, but I want to give you carte blanche for the last message. The word is yours, you are free to express yourselves!

We want our project to become an indicator that everyone can achieve their dream if they strive for it. There are only two of us, but together we have done a great job: in less than two years we have released an EP album, an animated video, a video with a cover song, a full-length album and a video for one of the songs from it, and right now we are preparing to shoot another one ! This is despite the fact that we are still independent musicians, and therefore we invest hard-earned money in our work (yes, now we work at a regular job and invest the earned money in our music). We will be very happy if you support our work with activity, and our channels with a subscription.



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