Here's our interview with LENAX from US! 1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the underground world?
This would have started in the early 90's in an entirely different form, just doing covers at open mic nights. In the 2000's I got into hosting shows, promoting bands, and running a side stage at a decent sized music festival. I've wanted to do my own heavy music for years. It took going to a music festival in 2022 and just reconnecting with smaller bands and getting the itch to play and write again.
2. What genres and bands is the group influenced by?
I take early inspiration from a lot of early heavy music from the 70's including Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Judas Priest. Obvious head nods to the Big Four of thrash - Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, and Slayer. As far as Black Metal goes, that list grows all the time. Currently it is bands that are melodic and heavy such as Watain, Immortal, 1349, Satirycon, Emperor, and Enslaved.
3. I know it might not be easy to do, but could you comment on your latest work?
The current project is one that tells a story of personal individuality and a break from conformity. I use themes such as horror, science fiction, and the occult, which may be taken literally or metaphorically. It is up to the listener to find a meaning that works for them.
4.The underground metal scene is undoubtedly inflated by many groups, so (often) it is necessary to present compositions that stand out in the chaos of the various musical scenes. Do you think your songs have something more to say or different from what has already been said in the crowded metal world?
I really do. While I take my pleasure in the dark themes, I do see these as empowering to the individual.
5.What do you think of the national underground scene?
I love it. There is a sense of comradery when you have a show with 3-5 bands promoting each other, and you see the bands get close with each other as well as forming real connections with the fans.
6. The career of a musical group (however short it may be) is always studded with more or less positive events. What would you like to erase and what will you always remember from your group experience, from the very beginning until now?
Not in this iteration, but some of the bands I played with in the past had religious themes that I find abhorrent these days. When I was a religious person I always felt obligated to do and say certain things that deep inside I knew weren't true. Shakliong that off feels so much more honest these days.
7. How do you judge the Internet vehicle for promoting the music scene?
I see everyone trying to get a leg up, and I do hope some bands look for more engagement and less memes. Don't get me wrong I share meme content, but when I check out a band looking for their music and that is all I see, and I don't know their music, it feels a but off. I think the internet can and should be a menas of communicating with the fans. Comedy is just one part of that.
8.Since we are talking about it .... how many original CDs do you buy each month? And how many do you listen to?
At this point I only buy a physical CD if I am at a show and want to support a band. I would never listen to it. If a band has vinyl or shirts I buy them instead.
9.What does your group want to do when they grow up?
Speaking of vinyl, that is the goal. If the fan response warrants it, we will press our album on vinyl at the end of the year!
10.Okay, guys! The space at our disposal is about to run out, but I want to give you carte blanche for the last message. The word is yours, you are free to express yourselves!
Black metal is and should be about individuality. It's a daunting genre to get into, as the fanbase can be very judgemental. Stick too close to the formula, and you are judged for not innovating. Innovate too much, and you are judged for no longer being black metal. It is my hope to make the music I want to woith honesty, and hopefully I can do so without this being too much of an obstacle. I am absolutley certain we will fall into either of these categories, based on the listener, and I have to be OK with that.