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Interview with Ego Planet

Graziano Ciccarelli

Chris Baker

Guitarist of Ego Planet

1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the underground world?

The journey for Ego Planet began in 2020 during the pandemic. It started as a fun and productive way to pass the time. I was just throwing riffs together and building instrumental song ideas. As the collection of demos grew I decided to follow through and make something of it. That’s when Jarrett got involved and now here we are a couple years later putting the final touches on our first full length release.

2. What genres and bands is the group influenced by?

I personally listen to a ton of metal and bluesier influenced rock. Everything from Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, and The Sword to bands like Free, and The Black Crowes.

3. I know it might not be easy to do, but could you comment on your latest work?

Our latest single; “Dead Man’s Float” was one of the most fun songs we’ve worked on so far. It was one of those demos that I wasn’t super stoked with initially. But once we began developing the track in the studio it quickly became a favorite. The song feels massive and I love Jarrett’s vocal performance and lyrics. It’s a nice preview for what’s to come on our full length release.

4. The underground metal scene is undoubtedly inflated by many groups, so (often) it is necessary to present compositions that stand out in the chaos of the various musical scenes. Do you think your songs have something more to say or different from what has already been said in the crowded metal world?

There truly is so much to sort through. I feel like Ego Planet really dips into so many sub genres of the heavy rock and metal world, especially on the full length album we’ve been working on. I hope all of those influences translate into something original that holds its’ own.

5. What do you think of the national underground scene?

It’s amazing there’s so much great music out there especially when you look for it.

6. The career of a musical group (however short it may be) is always studded with more or less positive events. What would you like to erase and what will you always remember from your group experience, from the very beginning until now?

I wouldn’t erase anything.

7. How do you judge the Internet vehicle for promoting the music scene?

It’s an awesome tool that gives everyone a chance to be heard.

8.Since we are talking about it .... how many original CDs do you buy each month? And how many do you listen to?

I honestly can’t remember the last time I bought a CD haha

9.What does your group want to do when they grow up?

Keep making music

10.Okay, guys! The space at our disposal is about to run out, but I want to give you carte blanche for the last message. The word is yours, you are free to express yourselves!

New music coming soon! We just finished tracking out first full length album this July. Can’t wait to get it out there!



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