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Graziano Ciccarelli
21 ott 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Band Loss releases "The Light" to announce an amazing album soon.
This amazing band was formed recently at the start of the pandemic situation, but don't be fooled by the young age of the project! The...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
17 ott 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Marco Angelo: Album per il mercato Nipponico
Marco Angelo : il chitarrista rilascia un album speciale in Giappone Il chitarrista Marco Angelo ha appena pubblicato in Giappone “The...
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Redazione Impatto Rock
11 ott 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Bottomless - Bottomless
Se formi un gruppo recuperando strumentisti da Assumption e Messa il risultato più probabile è qualcosa che sia inerente il doom metal, e...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
14 set 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Weekly Suggestion: MoonUs
The Melodic hard rock/metal band from Hungary releases their new but album called 'Roulette'. MoonUs is created a band created by the...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
31 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA —TINY TREE’s second album “XI” is already receiving praise for the rock duo’s ability to yet again take a...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
27 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Marco Angelo : in concerto per due date
Il chitarrista Marco Angelo torna in scena con il suo progetto di musica strumentale per due concerti casalinghi. La scaletta conterrà...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
26 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Vector Of Underground is a Russian Metal band that formed in 2009. Their style of music is very broad to fit under one genre. The band...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
24 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 5 min
Interview with VOWS OF WOLVES
1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
22 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
A masterpiece by Vows Of Wolves
Burst is the first track released online by the band Vows Of Wolves and is the track that started the project. Infused with occult and...
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Redazione Impatto Rock
17 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
World of Sorrows - Dungeon Serpent
In un mondo in cui si sfiorano i 50 gradi in Europa e spuntano incendi grandi come piccole nazioni il modo migliore per resistere al...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
17 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Weekly Suggestion : Demonicera's EP Out Now!
In 2015 guitarist Rene Gattermair formed his own band called DEMONICERA. After founding their first instrumental group, Sam Fernandez...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
17 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
New amazing music by The Daily Spreadsheets
Henrique Neves, better known through his alias, The Daily Spreadsheets, is a massive fan of early 90’s TV show ‘The Wonder Years’. Back...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
17 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
DELEST: New Album Out!
After two years of gestation and creation of social and video content to present their new work, Delest are happy to announce that their...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
13 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Recensione - EP Ancient Species
Buonasera a tutti i lettori, oggi ritorniamo con una bella recensione in Italiano! Trattasi dell'omonimo EP degli Ancient Species dal...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
12 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The mexican based blackned death metal band Ancient Species is proud to announce that they are ready to release their self titled album...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
5 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Interview: Undermine (Cow Punk, TX)
1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
3 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Weekly Suggestion: UNDERMINE (Texas)
Undermine is proud to present their sophomore album As Above the follow up to their debut album Lost Funerals. A local cow-punk band from...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
26 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Weekly Suggestion: BADD MUSIC
Badd Music is a punk rock band with a sound that feels hard-hitting and direct. From the depth and energy of skate punk, down the edge of...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
13 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
TRANSILIENCE (with members of Corrosion Of Conformity, HR) Exclusive VIDEO PREMIERE on Impatto Rock!
Members of Corrosion of Conformity BLIND, H.R., Righteous Fool & Ghost Work revive Spookey Ruben’s legendary Prog thrash band...
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Graziano Ciccarelli
13 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
ANCIENT SPECIES: Blackned Death Metal from Mexico!
The mexican based blackned death metal band Ancient Species is proud announce that their new single "March Of The Slaves" is coming out...
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