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TRANSILIENCE (with members of Corrosion Of Conformity, HR) Exclusive VIDEO PREMIERE on Impatto Rock!

Graziano Ciccarelli

Members of Corrosion of Conformity BLIND, H.R., Righteous Fool & Ghost Work revive Spookey Ruben’s legendary Prog thrash band TRANSILIENCE w/ brand new single/music video ‘Cut The Mountain’! Unless you were deeply entrenched in the late eighties D.C. Hardcore/metal scene - chances you've ever heard of TRANSILIENCE are pretty slim. But, in the few years this young trio (Spookey Ruben:guitar/vox, Andy Johnson:bass, Jamie Guggino:drums) was active, their unique mashup of one part Bad Brains, one part Voivod definitely struck a chord in the D.C. music scene - gaining them supporting slots for C.O.C., Shudder To Think, Leeway and Biohazard.

Their first demo cassette ‘Threatened Fears DEMO ’88’ and debut self-released album ‘Mouthful of Buildings’ also caught attention overseas w/ rave reviews in Rock Hard and Metal Hammer, Germany. Fast forward to 2019 - Transilience is asked to play the 30th-Anniversary of 'JAM FOR MAN’, the Reston VA punk rock benefit concert series, famous for launching the career of Richmond VA’s AVAIL — With Andy and Jamie no longer musically active, old High School pals Jerry Barrett (Animal / Corrosion of Conformity BLIND), Jason Browning (H.R. Human Rights / Righteous Fool) and Andre Love (Soulcraft) quickly stepped in to bring TRANSILIENCE back to life! The rehearsals and success of the show ultimately gave birth to a new song: ‘Cut The Mountain’ - a title which eludes to the grotesque fast-food-mentality of recklessly cutting things out of the natural environment simply because they are 'in the way’.

‘Cut The Mountain’ was written by Jason (guitars) and Spookey (vox) - joined by Jerry Barrett on bass guitar and newest addition Sean Husick (Milemarker, Ghost Work) on drums. Recorded in Chicago IL, Annapolis MD and Los Angeles CA. Mixed and mastered at Airbuss, Hollywood by Spookey. The single/music video goes LIVE July 30th 2021 (in advance of TBA full-length release). Artist: TRANSILIENCE Music Video/Single: CUT THE MOUNTAIN OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE: JULY 30th 2021 (across all digital platforms)

Social Media Links TRANSILIENCE




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