1.Since you are at your first interview on this site, why don't you tell our readers when and how you started your journey in the underground world?
I've steadily been apart of the" underground" scene since I was about 11 and we use to collect change under coke machines and steal 5 liter water bottles from local grocery stores (fenced in back) and return them for money to go to shows….Austin was a hot bed for music at that time and people had huge vert ramps in their backyard and would thro shows, in the middle of the ramps..for a Lil bit of change..and this was an everyday occurrence if not those punk house there were clubs , but you had to sneak into those...But is it "Underground"?
2. What genres and bands is the group influenced by?
Butthole Surfers, The Huns, The Dicks, Bad Religion,Poison Idea,..Too many to name but Fats Waller and Cab Calloway is in there somewhere too lol
3. I know it might not be easy to do, but could you comment on your latest work?
Shit was done during hieght of covid epidemic and there is a lot of that strife in this album
4.The underground metal scene is undoubtedly inflated by many groups, so (often) it is necessary to present compositions that stand out in the chaos of the various musical scenes. Do you think your songs have something more to say or different from what has already been said in the crowded metal world?
I don't really consider us metal, so there's that. If you let anyone value by the work of others it's not really art anyway, why would you give a fuck about what some one else is doing, just be yourself..Its better to have someone hate you for who you really are, than love ya for who you ain't.
5.What do you think of the national underground scene?
Is it really "Underground"
6. The career of a musical group (however short it may be) is always studded with more or less positive events. What would you like to erase and what will you always remember from your group experience, from the very beginning until now
?who gives a fuck..The past is irrelevant, today is all we have.
7. How do you judge the Internet vehicle for promoting the music scene?
That is yet to be determined, the scene is always evolving and I never bet against change
8.Since we are talking about it .... how many original CDs do you buy each month? And how many do you listen to? 0 I listen to Vinyl...lol Idknw I bought 20 last month it just fluxuates with releases
9.What does your group want to do when they grow up? Lmao...
10.Okay, guys! The space at our disposal is about to run out, but I want to give you carte blanche for the last message. The word is yours, you are free to express yourselves!
Buy As Above when it comes out on Halloween and buRepressed lp Lost Funerals Now at Undermineatx.com
