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[Intervista -ENG] Killery

Immagine del redattore: Impatto Rock NapoliImpatto Rock Napoli

Impatto Rock inaugura le sue interviste in inglese! La prima band è quella dei KILLERY dal Brasile. Recente è la loro collaborazione con la napoletana VAULT LAB RECORDINGS. Enjoy!

Since you are at the first interview on this site, whydidn't our readers come into play when and how you started your journey into the underground world?

Lucas: Hi, my pleasure this first interview to Impatto Rock. Our band began it’s journey in 2016, buteveryone of us hadanotherbandsbefore Killery. My journeythrough the underground began in 2010, if I’m not wrong about the year. Start playing in some power metal bands, after played prog metal and then I found Killery or theyfound me ahahaha.

Pitter: I barelyrememberwhen and how I went to the underground, the only thing I remember well is that I sold my things to get money and buytickets to see local bands.

Which genres and bands is the group influenced by?

Lucas: Man, that’s a very hard question. Because everyone have different influences with different metal genres. I’m the guy who listens to grindcore to Johnny Cash, G-Rude likes more bay area Thrash Metal, Arthur is a great Queen fan butalsolistens to heavy metal and thrash, Gabriel really likes prog metal and power metal (I’vemet him playing in power metal bands) and Pitter is the guy with influences of hardcore. But if I can take a band we all are deeplyinfluenced, this one is Slayer.

Pitter: As Lucas quoted I have strong influence of hardcore, speed and weighthavealwayscaught my close attention

So that might not be easy to do, butcould you say your lastjob?

Lucas: that’s easy ahaha my last jobwas a internship in a civil engineeringcompany.

Pitter: Computer Instructor hahaha

The underground metal scene is undoubtedly inflated by manygroups, so (often) it is necessary to presentcompositions that stand out in the chaos of the various musical scenes. Do you think your songs are more difficultthan in whathasalreadybeensaid in the crowded metal world?

Lucas: I reallybelieve in our songs. The way we make our music and think of how it willworkalive or in studio is a thing that thrills me. Many times we put some elements from our countryexploring our veryculture and this is priceless to see how it fits and gives a different dynamic and shape in a song. It happened in “Fuck you All”. Gabriel fitted a tribal percussioninto the instrumental part of the song. This things are details, but it buids a identity

to our band and this can make a differencebetweensomanyawesomebands we havetoday.

What do you think of Brazil's national underground scene?

Lucas: Brazil always had an excellent amount of bands. From Brazil came Sepultura, Torture Squad, Claustrofobia, the mighty Krisiun and somanyothergreatbands. But the truth is that’s really hard to maintain a bandhere. The expenses are huge and the return is tiny. The bands we have in underground makes metal for love. ThesebandsI’velistedhad a long road with tons of difficulties to emerge from brazilian underground to the world and theseobstaclesmakesmany good bands to come to an end.

The career of a musical group is always studded with more or less positive events. What would you like to cancel and what do you alwaysremember from your groupexperiences, from the beginning to the beginning?

Lucas: This one is really easy ahahah last year we played in a Harley Davidson convention and that was terrible ahahaha the sound tech didn’t know how to equalize our sound. And the crownd was like 15 people ahaha the bikers from here don’t like extreme music, so when started to play, it was like “dude, wtf is that band” ahaha

The moment I will always remember will be when we played in a festival herecalled 24hrs de Rock.That was an amazing event with really good bands from my town. I will never forget those moshpits!

Judge the Internet vehicle for the promotion of the music scene! Lucas: It’s much easier promote a band these days. Knowing the right people can really make the things easy. Now we can talk to Labels directly on internet or post songs on streaming platforms. In the past the bands sent a tape woth a demo by mail and not everytime it had an answer. In the past existed these difficulties. But with the internet there are some difficulties too and something funny happened with us about it. Our CD was released in 04/25, but it was available in many sites 3 days before the official release date. Don’t know how. The only explanation I found is that someone we sent the CD for a review leaked the album. But we sent to many blogs and sites, so it’s impossible to discover who leaked. When I realized it I grew angry, but after I noticed that so many people just knew our bandthrough this leak problem. For our band that’s new and many people even don’t know us yet was a positive point.

Since we'retalking about it .... how many original CDs do you buy each month? And how many do you listen to?

Lucas: hmm need to take a recount but I have at least 120 CDs. The last I bought was Torture Squad’s Hellbound wacken edition, such a masterpiece. I don’t buy CDs everymonth. Sometimes I buy 5 Cds in a row. That’s not something periodic. I listento many bands and artists, so this week I listened Powerwolf’s the sacrament of sin, Lamb of God’s Wrath, Lang Lang’s Piano Book, Hatebreed’s Supremacy and Soulfly’s Ritual.

Pitter: I had about 50 albums on average, but today I do not have any anymore because these albums were the personal things I sold to go to shows, the last one I bought, I remember being the Randy Rhoads Tribute from Ozzy.

What do you want your group to do when you grow up?

Lucas: We never really thought about it. But something we will gonna do is to play metal in every corner anyone call us! We don’t be that band who only plays in bigfestivals or something. We want to play in underground too. We will not deny from where we came.

Pitter: I would like to have a plane like Iron Maiden, haha, seriouslyspeaking, knowing the 4 corners of the world playing our sound wouldalready be rewarding

Okay, guys! The space at our tie is about to end, but I want to leave you a free hand for the lastmessage. To you the word, you are free to express yourself!

Lucas: thank you guys! Hope soon we can be back here for more interviews ahaha thanks for supporting metal and keep the flame alive.

Pitter: Thank you, and long life to metal.



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